Your new circular logistics platform
The new 2vies platform offers 3,000 m2 entirely dedicated to the efficiency of your projects.
It enables better management of resources and stocks, extends their lifespan under appropriate storage conditions, and revitalizes dormant stocks by offering them the chance to be reborn, transformed and overcycled.
2Vies is at the service of time, preservation and the transmission of your creations.
of the life cycle
« For more than 10 years, social and environmental responsibility has been at the heart of our organization, defining our strategy and our lines of development, in a shared commitment with the major luxury houses we serve.»
transforming surplus production into raw materials for SSE players.
by ensuring the traceability of flows and certifying their processing.
by storing, protecting and thus extending the useful life of creations.
by visualizing stocks online and managing them in real time.
keeping only what is essential and useful.

The Living Heritage Company label
Created in 2005, the Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant label is a national recognition awarded for a period of five years. In 2023, Culture d'Objet was awarded the EPV label in recognition of the excellence of its know-how.

ECOVADIS Médaille d’Or
Ecovadis evaluates each company based on its size, location and sector of activity.covadis focuses on 4 major themes: Social & Human Rights, Environment, Ethics and Governance and Responsible Purchasing Policy.

2023: The AFNOR Committed CSR label
Confirmed 2-star mention
The AFNOR label assesses the performance and maturity of our CSR approach. Based on the ISO 26000 standard, it provides a new benchmark for Culture d'Objet, validating our CSR practices, operational management and results.

Responsibility Europe
Validation and recognition of our labeling Committed to CSR AFNOR at the level international by the Responsibility Europe label.

Culture d’Objet benefits from international recognition, through its membership of the Global Compact, the United Nations Global Compact. Culture d’Objet aims to involve its employees and partners in increased vigilance regarding compliance with the key principles of a more sustainable society. An ethics charter and a responsible purchasing charter have been put in place.

The French Fab embodies companies located in France that recognize themselves in the desire to develop French industry. It federates industry ecosystems driven by all local players. Culture d'Objet is committed to the French Fab.

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
A non-profit organization, FSC certifies over 200 million hectares of forests worldwide. The FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) guarantees responsible forest management. Culture d'Objet selects FSC-labeled wood to guarantee its origin and quality, and to ensure sustainable management of the resource.